bloom trails energy healing

Energy Healing & Your Health


Overwhelmed. Unwell. Frustrated. Unhappy. Fearful. Unclear. If you’re feeling weighted down by one or more of these issues and that your life just isn't bringing you the health, happiness, joy, love, peace and success you desire… Spiritual Energetic Healing can help. 

As you go thru life, you are discovering who and what you really are. The “Golden Nugget” that is you…the love that is you, is waiting to come out. Spiritual Energetic healing work allows you to uncover and release the trauma, blocks and “limiting beliefs” that keep you…from living the life you were meant to live.

Our work together is a partnership. A partnership between each other, and Higher Guidance/SPIRIT.

My intent is to create a space for you that is always grounding, caring, trusting, calming, supportive and mutually respective.

How spiritual healing can help you:

1. Opens us up to a new and higher level of consciousness.
2. Provides information that’s in our highest and best good regarding all aspects of our being.
3. Addresses the root cause of issues.
4. Helps deepen self knowledge.
5. Helps us manifest greater personal happiness, success and fulfillment.
6. Helps increase self esteem, self forgiveness, self love and self preservation.
7. Helps us with issues of trust.
8. Helps bring more balance into our lives.
9. Helps promote greater love and acceptance for self, others and all living beings.
10. It’s powerful and effective.

What to expect from our energy healing sessions together:

In each session, I use Spiritual Response Technique, Spiritual Restructuring, Jade Process and/or MDS Techniques (or a combination thereof) to foster communication between your guidance and my own in order to facilitate spiritual, energetic healing for you on one or more levels of your being. The techniques provide healing by helping to identify and release any blocks, imbalances, negative energies, limiting beliefs and/or trauma that is held within.

Very often clients comment to me that they feel lighter, and more grounded after the initial session. However, that is just the beginning! The process of spiritual, energetic healing is not a quick fix. It usually takes a number of sessions to see the true benefits.

Private sessions are currently available over the phone or through Zoom, beginning with a 2-hour Initial Clearing Session.

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Initial Clearing Sessions

An initial clearing is an introductory, 2 hour, Guided Spiritual Energetic healing session that can be scheduled by phone or via the Zoom platform.

Session work can be facilitated for children, adults, and any type of "relationship" they are involved in, such as: a family relationship, a romantic relationship, a school relationship, or a business relationship.

This also pertains to pet clients and their "relationships" with their human parents, human siblings or other pets inside or outside the home.

During each session, my higher guidance connects with the client's higher guidance and we work together on issues that help free the client from whatever is no longer serving them and where all work completed is 100% client guidance driven.

This can include any issue rooted in the mental, physical, emotional or spiritual aspects of being.

  1. Every initial session begins by  completing any necessary work for the client's Energy Field. This often includes clearing, balancing, healing and/or optimization of their Energy Field.
  2. The next part of the session focuses heavily on research and clearing of any blocks, interferences, discordant energies, limiting and/or blocking beliefs that have been keeping the client "stuck" and which are now ready to be worked through and released.
  3. Additionally, I may also be directed to assist clients in helping them release stress, discomfort, pain and/or trauma that they may be holding in areas of the body.

Throughout a session, all information received and shared is for the client's knowledge and conscious awareness. A pendulum is also used during the session for confirmation of information received and all work completed is always for the client's highest and best good.

*After a session, many clients report feeling better, lighter, more relaxed and energized, more grounded and have gained substantial clarity about themselves, others and issues that they’re experiencing in their lives.

Session format: Phone or Zoom platform

Initial session: 2 hours - $125

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Follow Up Clearings

Follow up sessions can be scheduled for a client after an initial clearing session is complete. These sessions can either be facilitated via the Zoom platform, by phone or Spirit-Spirit, and can be arranged weekly, monthly or quarterly. 

In addition, follow up sessions can be scheduled for a client based upon their individual preferences and availability along with the recommendation from their guidance as to what is most beneficial for them going forward.

The length of follow up sessions are usually 1 hour, but sometimes can be longer depending on work to complete. As for Initial Clearing Sessions, a pendulum is used during follow up sessions for confirmation of all information received.

Many clients find the Spirit-Spirit option a helpful alternative for themselves, and/or their human or furry loved ones when they're unable to connect with me via Zoom or over the phone.

After each Spirit-Spirit session is complete, any information received is included in a "Notes Summary" and will be forwarded by email as an attached .pdf file to the client for review.

Should the client have any questions or comments, they are welcome to reach out to me by email at

*If, however, the client would like to work with me more directly, a 15min. Q & A session can be scheduled by phone or the Zoom platform. This 15min. time frame is included in the overall session fee. However, if the length of the Q & A session extends beyond 15min., the client will be charged for any additional time.

*In addition, a client may request a session for a loved one. Working in this way, your loved one is the client. All notes may be shared with your loved one.  However, the requestor will not have access to the client's notes or information.  At KB Lifestyle and Wellness, LLC, we have strict ethical policies and guidelines in place to protect the confidentiality of our clients.

Session format: Phone or Zoom platform

Follow up session: 1 hour - $75
2 hours - $125

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"Kate’s work and relationship with guidance impressed me so much. She gave me answers to questions I've had for over 40yrs. Having a naturopathic and energy medicine practice for over 18yrs, I knew a lot about health, nutrition, healing and wellbeing, but she proved to me Spirit knew more. I was so impressed I took many classes over the last year in order to learn more and to add to the main focus of my practice."


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"Things that Kate has brought to the surface have evolved to be true even when I didn't think so at the time.  After her sessions I'm more introspective and I find it takes a couple of weeks to see the changes from clearing out old stuck energy.  I always enjoy my sessions with Kate and only wish I could do them more often."


Thank you Kate! I really enjoy my sessions with you and feel the light you are bringing into my life!


Healing Modalities


Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a non-denominational healing technique that helps reprogram our physical, mental, and emotional lives to our highest good.

> learn more


Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) is a spiritual healing method that works with our spiritual connection to promote physical and structural healing.

> learn more


Loving Heart Connections® is designed to establish connection with a Loved One in Spirit, your Spiritual Guidance, and your very Soul.

> learn more


The Multi-Dimensional Self™ spiritual healing modality is a process of re-integration of parts of our energy that have been lost.

> learn more


The Jade Process® is a network of spiritual energetic self-healing systems, techniques, and resources designed to work with your Energy Field.

> learn more

Specialty Healing Techniques

Specialty Healing Techniques are part of the Jade Process® modality and focus on a specific challenge or issue that is ready to be completed and released for the client on the soul, aspect or Spirit level of being.

Work for these sessions can be completed for human clients, pet clients and also for any "relationship" that a human or pet client is involved in. The scope of work centers on the following techniques:

  1. Allergy Release Technique
  2. Loving to Learn Technique (L2L)
  3. Specific Issue Technique

A Specific Issue Technique could pertain to any limiting belief, discordant energy or pattern keeping the client stuck in dis-cord or dis-ease. Examples are issues like: financial challenge, health challenges and/or blocks to worthiness, peace or love - just to name a few.

*The length of time for these sessions depends entirely on the client and issue to be worked on.

*All work completed is always in the client's highest and best good.

In order to receive full benefit from one of these sessions, an initial clearing session is required before a Specialty Healing Technique can be completed.

For more information, please reach out to me by clicking on the "Contact Kate" button below. Thank you.

Session format: Phone or Zoom platform

Specialty Energy Healing Session: $75/hour

Allergy Release Technique

Loving to Learn Technique (L2L)

Specific Issue Technique

“Learn to trust what you cannot see far more than what you can see”.

~ Caroline Myss